“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” ~ Galatians 6:9
I’m fascinated by how plants develop without me ever seeing the buds forming or the stems growing. I’m fascinated by how a green banana can ripen to a yellow color in a matter of days, yet I never see the actual pigments changing.
Growth is a process, but rarely do we see it happening; we often just see the results. And if the results aren’t happening fast enough, we get frustrated. Tending to plants reminds me to simply be still and know that God really is God. When I’m frustrated about where I am in life and where I think I should be by now, plants remind me that God is working in my life at all times.
So whether it’s physical, spiritual, academic or some other area, take a moment to look at where you are versus where you used to be. You’ll realize that growth has taken place. Keep pushing forward, and don’t get frustrated; growth takes time!
Be encouraged & encourage someone else!