Nowlin artwork photos

Volunteering: Think small

One of the biggest excuses people give for not volunteering is that they don’t have the time. That’s usually because people assume that committing to being a volunteer is going to be some huge, time consuming thing. It doesn’t have to be. Many non-profit organizations – especially those with smaller staffs – tend to have a variety of small projects that need attention. Making yourself available to do something as simple as stuffing envelopes for a mass mailing could be one of the biggest things you could do to help an organization. There are even some projects that can be Read More

Nowlin artwork photos

Are you really living the Dream?

Perhaps my all-time favorite quote of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is this: “Everybody can be great because everybody can serve.” On this day that the nation has set aside to observe the life of this great servant, many encourage people to “take a day on, not a day off.” We are all encouraged to serve on this day, to help keep Dr. King’s legacy alive. HOWEVER… It’s my opinion that this concept is a watered down version of what Dr. King’s words really meant. Is it really just enough for us to take one day – and Read More