Replica of Birmingham jail cell

Beale Street Blues

Today is the 48th anniversary of the assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Just two days ago, I stood at the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis, where he spent his last hours. During my time there, I was able to spend time at the National Civil Rights Museum, reflecting on the sacrifices of Dr. King and so many foot soldiers whose names we may never know. While it seems natural that these would be the thoughts that I reflected on today, I am still feeling the weight of a different Memphis memory that I carried home with me. On Saturday Read More

Nowlin artwork photos

Take a moment to reflect

Today, I led an activity that both honored the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and acknowledged the beginning of Black History Month. A part of that activity included 3 reflection questions. This post is simply to share those questions with you. Think about them. Write out your answers, and place them somewhere where you can see them every day as a reminder. How am I helping to make Dr. King’s dream a reality? How do I fall short when it comes to embracing people from other cultures? What are some ways I can improve in the area of Read More