Online Publications

In addition to blogging, I have also published pieces in online magazines and journals. Links are provided below.

The Redbud Post

This is the monthly online publication of the Redbud Writers Guild.

This article is from the February 2017 edition, Seeking Common Ground: Recognizing Racial Prejudices and Biases.

Why I Choose To Do The Hard Thing

It was a cold and rainy night in early February. I stood in the dark, on the property of Mr. Jacob Burkle, whose home was a depot on the Underground Railroad. I shivered from the cold but also from a fear that had suddenly come over me from out of nowhere. Was I as safe as I thought, or was my safety in jeopardy? I was beginning to rethink my decision, but something deep inside told me it was now or never… Read more

This article is from the August 2016 edition, Race and Reconciliation.

Was Blind, but Now I See: My Sankofa Story

Prior to this trip, I was like the blind man at Bethsaida after the first touch from Jesus. I had sight, but things weren’t as clear as they could be. I am the descendant of enslaved Africans. I am also the descendant of the white people who owned and controlled my kidnapped African ancestors. I don’t know enough about my family history to know whether or not this was by force or choice, but our nation’s history tells me that it was most likely by force. Read more


How to Talk to Your Coworkers About Race

DON’T. At least not before considering these four points:

Develop a relationship.

Observe the office culture.

Never assume.

Take it a step further. Read more

The Covenant Quarterly

The Covenant Quarterly is the ministerial journal of the Evangelical Covenant Church. This article appeared in a volume which focused on reading the Bible interculturally. There is also an online forum for each volume. The forum provides extra content and a place for people to engage in conversations about the journal articles.

To Save Many Lives: Exploring Reconciliation Between Africans and African Americans through the Selling of Joseph

Elements of the Joseph story parallel events contributing to the current relationship between African Americans and Africans. The greatest parallel is the experience of being sold into slavery by one’s own kin. Despite his brothers’ being the cause of years of pain, shame, and marginalization, Joseph is able to forgive them and be reconciled to them. Is a similar reconciliation possible between African Americans and Africans today? My paper pursues this question, arguing finally that reconciliation is needed between these two communities and providing suggestions for how it can be done, so that, as with Joseph, God continues to take what was meant for evil and turn it into something that is good and lifesaving. Read more