Nowlin artwork photos

My time machine

I have a time machine. It allows me to travel back to various moments in my life and relive the good and the bad. The only problem with my time machine is that I don’t have control over when it works or where/when it takes me. The time machine is a bit complicated in how it operates, too. It can be triggered by a variety of things. Are you tired of my vague wordiness, yet? (I am!) The time machine I’m talking about is made up of my five senses. For those of you who need a refresher (I just Read More

Nowlin artwork photos

Just one of those days…

Have you ever had “one of those days”? One of those days where little things that normally wouldn’t annoy you begin to pile up until you can’t ignore them anymore…and then they keep piling up? Then, because you’re agitated, perhaps you start thinking about the things you were hoping to accomplish and become in life and start to doubt…your faith starts to waver? I’m having one of those days…I’m kind of freaking out about some changes that are coming and am struggling to practice what I preach. I was re-reading some notes I’ve posted on Facebook and came across this Read More